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Still life (2014-2015)

사물 시리즈​

나는 무엇을 그리고 싶은지 탐구한 작업입니다.

이 그림들을 통해 내가 어떤 그림을 그리고 싶은지 알게 되었습니다.

평범한 것을 특별하게 그려주는 작업을 하고 싶습니다. 


Still life series


I am exploring what I want to do.

Through these pictures, I learned what kind of painting I want to paint.

I want to do something that draws something special.


시든 화분_acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_2014

시든 화분 (wilted potted plant) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

바나나_acrylic on paper_21.0x29.7cm_2014

바나나 (Banana) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

경마장난감_acrylic on paper_21.0x29.7cm_2014

경마장난감 (Racing toy) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

빨강 물총_acrylic on paper_21.0x29.7cm_2014

빨강 물총 (Red water gun) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

렌즈 없는 돋보기_ acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_2014

돋보기 (Magnifying Glass) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

닫히지 않는 문_ acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_2014

닫히지 않는 문 (Non-closing door) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

멜로디언_acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_ 2014

멜로디언 (Melodian) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

노란 장미_acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_ 2014

노란 장미 (Yellow rose) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

파이프_acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_ 2014

파이프 (Pipe) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

서로 다른_acrylic on paper_ 21.0x29.7cm_ 2014

서로 다른 (Each other) acrylic on paper 21.0x29.7cm 2014

분홍 장미_45.5x60.6cm_acrylic on canvas_2015

분홍 장미 (Pink rose) 45.5x60.6cm acrylic on canvas 2015

국화_60.6x72.7cm_acrylic on canvas_2014

국화 (Chrysanthemum) 60.6x72.7cm acrylic on canvas 2014

연꽃, acrylic on canvas, 25x25cm, 2014

연꽃 (Lotus) acrylic on canvas 25x25cm 2014


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