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My House (2015)
우리 집
작가가 실제 살던 집이 사라지기 전에 찍은 사진 작업 입니다.
한지 위에 피그먼트 프린트를 한 위에 먹으로 드로잉을 한 작업 입니다.
It is a photograph work which the photographer took before the house where the real life was gone disappears.
It is a drawing with ink on top of a piece of paper printed on Korean paper.
계단 입구 (Stair) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 마당 (yard) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 내방 그리고 욕실 (My room and bathroom) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 |
대문 (Door) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 마당2 (Yard2) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 창고 (warehouse) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 |
초인종 (Doorbell) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 우편함 (Mail box) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 꽃화분 계단 (Flowerpor stair) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 |
개 밥 그릇 (Bowl of dog food) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 백합이 있는 식탁 (Dining table with lilies) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 마당 그리고 계단 (Yard and stair) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 |
초여름 마당 (Early summer yard) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 욕실 (Bathroom) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 | 창 밖 (Window) korean ink and pigment print on korean paper 26.5x40.0cm 2015 |
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